Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers, First Edition

Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers, First Edition

Author:   Judy Herr; Terri Jo Swim  Publisher: Delmar Pub  Date: 1998


Description: Responding in a warm, loving, and responsive manner to a crying infant or playing pat-a-cake with a young toddler both exemplify ways that caregivers and parents promote healthy brain development. With this in mind, Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers is written for you? This comprehensive book focuses on the growth of the whole child covering all areas of development: physical, language and communication, cognitive, social, and emotional. To support, enhance, and promote the child's development in all of these areas, this unique book includes 280 specially-designed activities for infants and toddlers. Developmental benchmarks are broken down by monthly increments, birth through twenty-four months.-- Recipes-- Songs-- Finger plays-- Suggested toys and equipment-- Recommended list of children's books

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ISBN-10:  0766803376 


Tags: Education, Early Childhood, Specific Demographics, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Guides, Educational Tools, Educational Psychology, General, Parenting & Relationships, Resources