Hand In Hand

Hand In Hand

Author:   Jocelyn Graeme, Ruth Fahlman

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishers Limited

Date: 1990


Multiculturalism is both a social reality and a government policy in Canada. To support multiculturalism, education at all levels needs to further understand of diversity in general, and multiculturalism. Hand in Hand is designed to meet the need for early childhood material that positively portrays racial, cultural, and linguistic diversity as it occurs in the lives of young children.

The program reflects the current reality of our diverse and multicultural society and promotes the goals of equality, integration, and empowerment. Specifically, the program addresses the following social and educational issues:

  • The need for all children to develop abilities for living successfully in a multi-cultural society
  • The need for children from minority cultures, or whose second language is English or French, to develop to their fullest potential within childcare and educational settings
  • The need for positive race relations and support for multiculturalism to become an established part of educational practice
  • The need for education at all levels to be empowering and supportive of social and educational equality for minority groups and individuals.