The Little Red Stroller

The Little Red Stroller

Author: Furst, Joshua; Wu, Katy  Publisher: Dial Books for Young Readers  Date: 2019


Description: When Luna is born, her mommy gives her a little red stroller. It accompanies her and her mommy through all the activities of their day, until she outgrows the stroller and is able to pass it down to a toddler in her neighborhood who now needs it. And so the stroller lives on, getting passed from one child to the next, highlighting for preschool readers the diversity of families: some kids with two mommies, some with two daddies, some with just one parent, and all from different cultures and ethnicities. This simple, cheerful book is a lovely portrait of the variety and universality of family. -from Amazon


ISBN-10 : 0735228809   ISBN-13 : 978-0735228801


Tags: Family Structures, Parenting & Relationships, Diversity, Inclusive Education, Multicultural, Multi Culture, Racial Identity, Gender Identity, Bias, Anti-Bias, Education, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Materials,  Children's Book, Educational Tools,