Plates - Pie - Aluminum/Tinfoil
Plugs - Screw-In Dry-Wall
Pods - Kinder Surprise
Poker Chips - Multicoloured
Poker Chips - Solid Colour
Poker Chips - Vegas
Pots - Plant
Rings - Napkin
Rings - Plastic - Magnetic - Large
Rings - Plastic - Shower Curtain
Rings- Cardboard
Rocks - Rough
Rocks - Smooth
Rocks / Stones - Polished
Rolls - Plastic - Tape Dispenser
Scoops & Tongs
Scoops and Other Utensils - Wood - Large
Scoops- Decorative
Sensory Tray
Set - Tubes and connectors
Set- Tubes and connectors - Plastic - Plumbing interconnecting
Shells - Conch
Shells - Olive
Shells - Spiral
Shot Glasses - Plastic - Clear
Small Farm & Zoo Animals
Small Plastic Dump Truck
Small Set Kitchen Plastic Dishes
Spools - For Thread - Tiny
Spools - Plastic - Thread - Multi coloured
Spoon- Metal - Fancy
Sticks - Popsicle
Sticks / Twigs - Red Oiser Dogwood
Stir Sticks - Coffee
Stir Sticks and Picks - Cocktail
Stone/ Pebbles - Decorative - Tiny - White
Stones/ Pebbles - Polished - Tiny
Stones/ Pebbles - Rough - Tiny