Does She Know She's There?

Does She Know She's There?

Author:   Nicola Schaefer  Publisher: Fitzhenry & Whiteside  Date: 1978


Description: First published in 1978, Does She Know She's There? is the inspiring story of one family's determination to love, cherish, and keep their only daughter. From the moment the Schaefers were told their first-born Catherine would never walk, or talk, or even feed herself, they swore that to institutionalize her would be their last resort.

The keeping of that vow was far from the story of tears and despair that some would assume. "Cath" emerges as an engaging personality in her own right, as terribly challenged as she is.

Now 37, Catherine Schaefer lives in her own home, with live-in support, plus friends-cum-tenants in the upstairs apartments. Still unable to move much, or to speak, Catherine's life has, nevertheless, been a rewarding success story. This book is its chronicle, illustrated with black and white photographs. - from Amazon


ISBN-10 : 1550412884   ISBN-13 : 978-1550412888


Tags: Different Abilities, Inclusive Education, Special Needs, Empowerment, Family Structures, Health, Parenting & Relationships, Diversity