Child Development in Context: Voices and Perspectives

Child Development in Context: Voices and Perspectives

Author:   David Sattler; Geoffrey Kramer; Virginia Shabatay; Douglas Bernstein  Publisher: Houghton Mifflin  Date: 1999


Description: Corresponding to the organization of most child development textbooks, each chapter of this text contains 5-6 personal narratives and each narrative covers a different concept, issue, or topic within a given age period. Students see theory and research come alive through dynamic and insightful first-person accounts about timely issues; become engaged in critical thinking about gender, multi-cultural, ethical, theoretical, and research issues; and gain exposure to complex life events and ethical dilemmas. - from Amazon 



Tags:  Psychotherapy, TA & NLP, Early Childhood, Child Psychology, General, Social Sciences, Instruction Methods, Education, Developmental Psychology, Education, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Materials, Child Psychology, Children's Studies, Culture and Language, Diversity, Different Abilities, Economic Class, Education & Teaching , Education Theory, Educational Psychology, Educational Tools, Elementary Education,  Multi Culture, Multicultural, Perspective, Racial Identity, Resources, Schools & Teaching, Study & Teaching, Gender Identity, Inclusive Education, Mentoring & Coaching