Papa brings me the world

Papa brings me the world

Author: Kostecki-Shaw, Jenny Sue  Publisher: Henry Holt and Company  Date: 2020


Description: Most parents drive a car or ride a bus or train to work—but not Lulu’s papa. He navigates mountains, deserts, and oceans, each time returning home with pockets full of treasures. There’s an ancient calculator from China, a musical mbira from Zimbabwe, and a special game from Sumatra. But the best treasures are special stories Papa tells when he comes home—tales of playing peekaboo with rare birds in the Andes and befriending dragons in the Irish Sea.

This long-distance love story between parent and child celebrates inclusivity, imagination, and the richness of global cultures.


ISBN-10: 1250788846   ISBN-13: 9781250788849


Tags: Parenting & Relationships, Children's Book, Multicultural, Multi Culture, Diversity, Inclusive Education, Bias, Anti-Bias, Culture and Language,