Developmental Screening in Early Childhood: A Guide, 5th Edition

Developmental Screening in Early Childhood: A Guide, 5th Edition

Author:   Samuel J. Meisels; Sally Atkins-Burnett  Publisher: National Association for the Education of Young Children  Date: 2005


Description: This fifth edition covers the basics of screening used to identify which children may have learning problems or disabilities. Offers advice for selecting an appropriate screening instrument and for setting up a screening program. Contains reviews of current developmental screens, plus an entirely new annotated bibliography. For the first time, it includes sections on screening for social-emotional/behavioral concerns and screening individual areas of development. - from Amazon


ISBN-10: 1928896251  ISBN-13: 9781928896258


Tags: Early Childhood Education, Education, Advocacy, General, Early Childhood Education Materials, Early Childhood, Different Abilities, Guides, Inclusive Education, Diversity, Educational Tools, Children's Studies, Developmental Psychology, Instruction Methods, Resources