Making Decisions Taking Action

Making Decisions Taking Action

Author: Hon. Margaret McCain; Dr. Fraser Mustard; Kerry McCuaig  Publisher: Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation  Date: 2011


Description:  Building on the work of the first Early Years Study: Reversing the Real Brain Drain (1999), Early Years Study 3 was co-authored by the Hon. Margaret McCain, Dr. Fraser Mustard, and Kerry McCuaig.

It documented the social, economic, and scientific rationale for increased investments in early childhood education.

  • EYS3 proposed that publicly-funded preschool education be expanded for all 2 to 5-year-olds. It would be widely available, affordable, top-quality, voluntary, and parents would decide if and how often their
    children attend.
  • The study introduced the Early Childhood Education Report to monitor the funding, policy, access and quality of early education programming.
  • An analysis of the economic benefits of Quebec’s early childhood education revealed that the investment more than paid for itself. 
  • It reported how early education could expand by building on public education.
  • It highlighted findings from Toronto First Duty about how current programs for young children and their families are only a patchwork solution. -from 


Tags: Administration, Advocacy, Early Childhood Education, Economic Class, Schools & Teaching, Education, Education & Teaching, Elementary Education, Resources, Early Childhood