The Employee Handbook of New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World: 13 Ground Rules for Job Success in the Information Age

The Employee Handbook of New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World: 13 Ground Rules for Job Success in the Information Age

Author: Price Pritchett  Publisher: Pritchett Publishing Company  Date: 2012


Description:  This powerful employee handbook provides 13 clear and practical guidelines that workers can weave into their daily routines immediately. These specific points are made with hard facts, powerful logic and a sense of humor that can be universally understood and applied. And, the handbook format will enable people to transform the organization fast by promoting a consistent message throughout the organization. - from Amazon


ISBN-10: 0965896900   ISBN-13:  9780965896900


Tags: Guides, Personal Transformation, Leadership, Management, Management & Leadership, Organization, Educational Tools, Human Resources, General, Instruction Methods