Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding Effectively

Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding Effectively

Author:   Kaiser, Barbara; Rasminsky, Judy Sklar  Publisher: Pearson Allyn and Bacon  Date: 2007


Description:  Best-selling survival guide for teachers struggling to find answers to challenging behavior in the classroom.

KEY TOPICS: Challenging behavior; risk factors; resilience; behavior and the brain; relationship; culture; prevention of challenging behavior: the social climate, the physical environment, transitions, curriculum, teaching strategies; guidance; functional assessment; positive behavior support; inclusive classroom; working with families and other experts; bullying; reflection.

Written for pre- and in-service teachers involved in the education of young children, early childhood through elementary, especially those struggling with or wanting to learn more about understanding, preventing and addressing challenging behavior in primary schools and child care centers.


ISBN-10:  0205493335  ISBN-13: 9780205493333


Tags: Classroom Management,  Early Childhood Education, Behaviour Modification, Early Childhood, Education & Teaching, Educational Tools, Empowerment, Management, Management & Leadership, Mindfulness, Resources, Guides