Creative Resources for Infants & Toddlers, Second Edition
Author: Judy Herr; Terri Jo Swim Publisher: Cengage Learning Date: 2001
Description: The ultimate goal for all caregivers and educators is to assist in promoting healthy development of young children. This edition focuses on the growth of the whole child by including norms for physical, language, and communication, cognitive, social and emotional development from birth to 36 months. It includes up to 300 specially-designed activities for infants and toddlers, and groups experiences by ages and developmental areas. Guidance is given in matters of safety and family involvement, with up-to-date assessment information to enhance the ability of caregivers to meet the developmental needs of infants and toddlers. With additional references, web links, on-line resources, daily planning forms, and expanded appendices, Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers, 2E provides the tools to help you create a strong foundation for the thinking, interacting, and learning progressions of the children in your care. - from Amazon
ISBN-10: 0766830780 ISBN-13: 978-0766830783
Tags: Education, Early Childhood, Specific Demographics, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Guides, Educational Tools, Educational Psychology, General, Parenting & Relationships, Resources