Decolonizing Place in Early Childhood Education (Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education)

Decolonizing Place in Early Childhood Education (Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education)

Author:   Fikile Nxumalo  Publisher: Routledge  Date: 2019


Description: This book draws attention to the urgent need for early childhood education to critically encounter and pedagogically respond to the entanglements of environmentally damaged places, anti-blackness, and settler colonial legacies. Drawing from the author’s multi-year participatory action research with educators and children in suburban settings, the book highlights Indigenous presences and land relations within ongoing settler colonialism as necessary, yet often ignored, aspects of environmental education. Chapters discuss topics such as: geotheorizing in a capitalist society, absences of Black place relations, and unsettling unquestioned Western assumptions about nature education. Rather than offer prescriptive solutions, this book works to broaden possibilities and bolster the conversation among teachers and scholars concerned with early years environmental education. - from Amazon


ISBN-10 : 1138384534   ISBN-13 : 978-1138384538


Tags: Early Childhood Education, Education, Early Childhood, Educational Tools, Indigenous, Nature, Outdoor, Anti-Bias, Bias, Racial Identity, Racism, Inclusive Education, Advocacy, Book Study, Education & Teaching, Empathy, General, Inclusive Education, Multi Culture, Outdoor, Racial Identity, Racism, Resources